Monday, October 26, 2009

Boy! He is growing fast!

Well, it is hard to believe that Gavin is allready 3 mos. old! He is full of smiles and is starting to giggle a little bit. Last week I tried all day to get him to laugh for me and he wouldn't really do it. Nate gets home and has him for two seconds and gets him to laugh. What is that about! I guess he is just funnier to look at than me :) No, his babies just really love him.
Here are some recent pics of our fam:

His shirt says it all! 3 mos old and allready in 6 mos. clothes!

Little buddies!


Our final product.

Every time Brinley sings "Happy Birthday" to him
he gets really smiley!
This was the first day Gavin wore this little sweater
to church and I just had to snap a quick picture.

I have really been enjoying my time home with the kids. I always thought when Gavin was around 3 mos, I would maybe start looking for a job and I can't believe that time is allready here! Hopefully I can find something just a couple days a week and a place for my kids to go!
So stressful, we'll have to see how it goes.


The Pyper's! said...

Shut up!! he is so Cute! How is Brin handling it??

Jake and Kristin said...

Your kids are so stinkin' cute! Your such a cute family! We need to get together sometime!!! Hope all is well!

Wendy Pippin said...

You better keep updating this ol' blog. I loved the pumpkins...and the darling kids too!

Dain and Alyse said...

They are adorable!