Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blogging and well!

So, yes it has been awhile. But I guess all I can say is no news means good news. Life just seems to be ticking away, I can't believe that it is already February!

We had a great Christmas and New Year's spending time with family and friends. Lately Brinley and I have just been trying to fight the monotony of our lives. I really think this time of the year can be quite boring. I think I have spring fever.

Recently we have been battling ear infections and new teeth; therefore, mommy has had many sleepless nights. Nate is back in school and he is doing well. He is taking a dance class, yes a dance class! He needed another creative arts credit and heard it was an easy one so he signed up. One of these nights I am going to sneak up there and watch him leap across the floor. Oh, I giggle just thinking about it!

1 comment:

Kyle and Shayla said...

Yay! A new post! I've been waiting for one since I put you on my blog:) Cute! Cute! Pics! Love the updated blog looks good!